Thursday, August 14, 2014

Vanichi Magazine | Calling All Fashion Bloggers (Paid)

Marie Hess Elizabeth Taylor
Megan Hess feature in Vanichi Magazine

Vanichi is a publication dedicated to pioneers and innovators in Fashion, Entertainment, Art and beyond. Our pages provide an unbiased platform for imagination, vision and one's true voice. In our world, predecessors are as valuable as successors. We seek the icons and the iconoclasts. We spotlight the progressive throughout a diversity of mediums. Vanichi Magazine. The Voice of Now.

At this time, we are building our writing network and seek fashion bloggers to contribute posts, columns, and trend reports, style guides, and short-form articles to . Bloggers will be paid a small honorarium per published blog post.

Please visit our website to review our writer guidelines. Though these sections are not for the blog, you will find valuable information about our general style and format, in addition to the sections through which our articles are published:

Please respond with a short bio, a link to your current blog, and a paragraph on what type of blogging most interests you, and what type of blogging you would like to pursue with Vanichi. Finally please answer why you believe you are a good fit for Vanichi Blog/ Vanichi Magazine team.
Make sure to include "VANICHI BLOGGER" in the subject line.

Please do not contact Vanichi Magazine about this inquiry, nor send submissions or content related inquiries to this email. Our editorial team will review all applications and respond to all candidates of interest.

Warm Regards,

Alexander Campbell
Editorial Assistant
hr AT